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Laura Concannon, CPA

Building a better world in so many ways. Tools4Success is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that partners with teachers to promote opportunities in the trades. I started the organization in 2014 when I saw the need for businesses to have an influx of talent and the toll the “college is success” mantra had on a large part of the student population.

Individuality and choice was being lost in my humble opinion.

We hear from employer’s everyday that they cannot find individuals with the proper understanding of work. Imagine if businesses could work with teachers to help instill what work actually means to them. This becomes a win win for the teachers, the students and the businesses.

Success has been defined for the past generation as college bound. I would rather say success is career bound. The trades offer an opportunity to have a 4 year apprenticeship while earning money and graduate debt free to a financially and rewarding career. The options are wide open and needed. Building takes people.

Recently Tools4Success had an opportunity to directly impact 8 students’ lives. If you are not aware, many teachers lack the resources needed to educate their students. We are a resource for providing networking opportunities, field trips and actual resources in the classroom.

A teacher, we partner with, recently contacted me to let me know he has 49 students and was only provided 41 Chromebook laptops, leaving 8 students without access to the technology they need to succeed. Tools4Success provided the teacher with the 8 Chromebook laptops needed. Not a big ask but for those 8 students it could be life changing.

Each of us can make a difference in the lives around us, many just do not have a path. I invite each of you to find out more about Tools4Success’ mission of building the education system into a place where teachers, students and potential employers can grow together to develop the workforce we all need.


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